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charity supporters

The Children’s Hospital Charity

Our charity works hard to make our extraordinary hospital even better. They keep our specialist services special, providing the best equipment money can buy, opening new facilities and funding vital research to change lives. Find out more about The Children’s Hospital Charity, their work and how you can get involved.

The Friends of the Children’s Hospital

The Friends are a group of volunteers who raise money to support our patients. They run a shop inside the hospital selling toys, gifts and other useful items, and hold events all year round to fund toys and specialist teaching materials.

The Sick Children’s Trust

The Sick Children’s Trust runs Treetop House and Magnolia House which offer home from home accommodation for parents and families of children staying in our hospital.

The facilities offer a total of 24 bedrooms and each has a kitchen, communal dining area, living room, play room and laundry facilities. Both properties are located very close to the main hospital buildings.


The Parents’ Association for Children with Tumours and Leukaemia (PACT) is a charity that works within our hospital with patients and families affected by cancer. They run PACT House, a five bedded home from home facility for parents with children receiving treatment on Ward M3.

Theo’s Burns Club

Theo’s Burns Club was set up to help children who have had a burn or scald to improve their self-esteem and confidence.

We work closely with the Burns Specialist Psychologist to identify children with worries or fears about their injury and we have a program of events to give ‘therapy with fun’.

Theo’s Burns Club also works with the national Burned Children’s Club to take some of the children on residential activity camps where they can do lots of activities with children who have had similar experiences.

Contact to find out more.

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