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Bike Group

Ryegate bike group

The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Team run a Bike Group to help children known to our service learn to ride a bike. To attend bike group children will need to have already tried to learn to ride a bike with their parents or carers and have a bike of their own.

The video below provides great strategies to use when teaching your child to learn to ride a bike.

Children must be under the care of Ryegate therapists to be eligible to take part in the Bike Group.

Training sessions

The group typically consists of four to five one-hour lessons during which children progress through different stages of learning how to handle and ride a bike:

  • putting on and fastening their own helmets
  • holding the bike by the handlebars and walking with it
  • using the handbrakes to stop the bike
  • mounting the bike
  • scooting on the bike with pedals off
  • scooting down a slight hill and braking
  • mounting the bike with the pedals on
  • pushing off and pedalling
  • pedalling with support
  • pedalling without support

Children are supported at all times in a way that allows them to learn how to balance the bike themselves. Parents are taught these techniques so that children can continue bike riding practise when they return home.


Watch our short film about the Ryegate Bike Group during a series of sessions held at the English Institute of Sport in April 2014.

Watch this great video by Cycling UK which shows you how to teach your child to ride their bike.

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