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Ryegate therapy block

Our Child Development and Neurodisability Team have expertise in the assessment, diagnosis and management of cerebral palsy. We work with children and their families from Sheffield and beyond to deliver therapy that maximises potential and minimises functional disability.

Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term used to describe a group of conditions that affect movement, posture and co-ordination. It can affect other areas of functioning as well including vision, hearing, speech and learning.

Children with cerebral palsy may have difficulties from birth or may have slow development of motor and other skills. A diagnosis may not be possible until the child is 2 to 3 years old depending on the individual child’s progress.

We have a range of specialists in our team, including specialist developmental and neurodisability consultants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and feeding therapists. We work closely with other specialists in the Trust to support children with cerebral palsy and offer a full service from birth to adolescence.

Further support

Visit the Scope website for further information and support.

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