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Ruby Lodge

Ruby Lodge is a seven bed inpatient unit for children and young people with learning disabilities, aged from 8 until their 18th birthday who have severe and complex mental health and behavioural problems.

We want make sure that every young person with a learning disability and mental health problem is able to maximise their potential for learning and independence, mental and social inclusion and to enjoy a safe, happy family life.

We support families to make their experience with us as successful as possible and hold inclusive review meetings for the child, family and those involved in their care every four weeks to make sure assessments happen as quickly as possible.

We can also support patients and their carers to effectively plan ongoing care on discharge from the lodge. Going out and about, family time including home leave, play and education are all an important part of being at Ruby Lodge.


Our team of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, therapists and teachers, use a variety of therapies and treatments including:

  • Comprehensive mental health assessment and treatment
  • Psychological assessment and treatment
  • Care/treatment planning, including working with the young person’s family and carers
  • Access to physical health assessment and appropriate treatment and advice – links to and support of The Children’s Hospital, Sheffield
  • Risk assessment/risk management
  • Activity programme, including social and recreational activities, as well as therapeutic groups
  • Education provided on site by professional teaching staff from the Becton School (view the Becton School Ofsted inspection report)
  • Family therapy/family work and psycho educational support for families
  • Occupational therapy – sensory assessments
  • Social work input and support
  • Psychotherapy – assessment and treatment
  • Speech and language – assessment and treatment
  • Medication review and prescribing

Find out more about referring to us.

Take a tour around the Becton Centre – video

Epic Friends

The Sheffield CAMHS team developed the Epic Friends website to help young people who think their friends may have mental health problems.

The site offers advice on a range of issues including bullying, depression, anxiety, family problems, self-harm and eating disorders. It also offers guidance on when to seek help and where to go for further support.

Epic Friends was funded by The Children’s Hospital Charity.

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