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Direct referrals to the Community CAMHS teams are accepted from GPs, qualified social workers, educational psychologists, paediatricians and MAST panel meetings. Health visitors and school nurses may refer with explicit agreement of the GP.
Our units at the Becton Centre – Amber Lodge (day unit), Emerald Lodge, Ruby Lodge and Sapphire Lodge – take referrals from regional and local Community CAMHS teams.
We also have mental health workers providing services to other teams in the city including Forensic CAMHS, MAPS, Multisystemic Therapy Team and Permanence and Throughcare.
Our Community CAMHS teams aim to provide a comprehensive and high quality service to children and young people registered with a GP in Sheffield, who are experiencing difficulties which are seriously impacting on their mental health and emotional wellbeing. Working with families can also be an important part of the overall intervention offered.
We have two teams that cover different areas of Sheffield:
These multidisciplinary teams consist of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, family therapists, art psychotherapists and administrative staff who offer clinic based assessment and treatment, group work and school observations.
The emotional and behavioural problems we treat include:
Referrals are accepted from General Practitioners, Social Workers, Educational Psychologists, Paediatricians and the Clinical Psychology Department at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Contact us
Becton Centre for Children and Young People
Sevenairs Road
S20 1NZ
Telephone: 0114 305 3106
Centenary House
Heritage Park
55 Albert Terrace Road
S6 3BR
Telephone: 0114 305 3218
Sheffield Forensic CAMHS is the only community Forensic CAMHS team in Yorkshire and we provide consultation to professionals working with young offenders or those at risk of offending.
Following consultation we may, in agreement with the referrer, proceed to an assessment of the young person. We will then discuss the findings with the referrer and the young person (and their family where appropriate).
In some cases, we would offer appropriate treatment following which the young person would be discharged back to the care of the referrer or to the care of their GP where appropriate.
Our team is made up of two senior clinicians with administrative support.
We prefer to have a consultation rather than a paper referral since that provides us with an opportunity to explore the case more thoroughly.
The scope of the service
We provide what is called an ‘enhanced’ Tier 3 service.
We provide an in-reach service to Aldine House and a Community CAMHS service to other referrers.
We offer assessments in complex cases, particularly where there is a risk to others through a young person’s behaviour. We have acquired expertise in assessment of mental health problems in the way they affect offending behaviour.
Contact us
Star House
43 Division Street
S1 4GE
Telephone: 0114 226 0660
The Child and Adolescent Learning Disability and Mental Health Team sees children and young people who have moderate, severe, or profound learning disabilities, who also experience mental health problems and/or challenging behaviour. This can include:
We accept referrals of children with a GP in Sheffield, up to 18 years old. Our pathway starts with a consultation meeting, which brings together the family and all the professionals working with them. This enables us to ensure that we offer appropriate and effective input.
Professionals from any service can contact us to ask for a consultation, though if direct work is required we will need a formal referral from a CAMHS or Ryegate professional.
Contact us
Child and Adolescent Learning Disability and Mental Health Team
Centenary House
55 Albert Terrace Road
S6 3BR
Tel: 0114 226 2788
Multi-Agency Psychological Support (MAPS) for Looked After Children is a small team of professionals from health, social services and education whose role is to respond to the mental health needs of children and young people who are looked after by Sheffield City Council.
Referrals are made directly to MAPS via the child’s social worker.
Accessing the service
We have several different access points to our service:
Please telephone 0114 226 0876 to access any of the above.
Referral process
We take a tiered approach to offering services, depending on a child’s need.
If you wish to refer a child or young person to us, then we may begin by inviting you to a face-to-face consultation. At this meeting we would discuss your concerns regarding the young person’s experiences so far.
We would consider a way forward, which may require additional involvement from us. You may not require any further input from us after this stage or we may agree to move to the next tier.
Network review meetings are held every three months and the input of the child’s social worker into these meetings is crucial in progressing the work.
Contact us
Centenary House
Heritage Park
55 Albert Terrace Road
S6 3BR
Tel: 0114 305 3218 (Centenary CAMHS reception)
Our Multisystemic Therapy Team aims to address serious antisocial behaviour in 11-17 year olds.
Team members each have a small case load and work intensively with the young person and their family over a period of three to five months.
We would encourage you to contact us for an informal discussion around referrals at any time. The MST Team will work with the referrer, to plan and define their role as the intervention progresses.
MST works by assessing and understanding the multiple causes of referral behaviours and supporting the parent or carer in devising strategies to address them.
MST will look for strengths in the family and local community and draw upon naturally occurring resources to prevent long-term dependence on services. Teams will consider and work with other systems influential in the young person’s life such as school, communities, the police and peers.
Contact us
Star House
43 Division Street
S1 4GE
Telephone: 0114 205 3633
A senior mental health practitioner from CAMHS is based within and provides direct input into Sheffield City Council’s Permanence and Throughcare team for Looked After Children (LAC) and Care Leavers.
Referrals are only accepted from social workers or support workers or their managers at the Permanence and Throughcare Service. One of the main aims is to provide consultation to the service staff, and for all LAC and care leavers known to the service for their emotional and psychological wellbeing.
The service includes:
The service also aims to maintain a referral route for looked after young people when they move from Sheffield to other areas as placements change. The aim is to link young people with existing services rather than replace or duplicate what already exists elsewhere.
Contact us
Star House
43 Division Street
S1 4GE
Amber Lodge is a CAMHS Service (day unit) dealing with highly complex cases or situations which require a more intensive input than is able to be offered within other tiers or settings.
Location – The Becton Centre
Mode – Day patient
Average length of treatment – Approximately 6 to 9 months
Referrals are accepted from – Tier 3 Community CAMHS Team
Key areas – Autism spectrum, eating disorders, learning disabilities, mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychiatric problems, psychosis, self-harm, suicide attempt, trauma
For more than 30 years we have provided assessment and treatment for children between 5 and 11 who are experiencing emotional, behavioural or mental health issues.
We put great emphasis on family interventions and working closely with a child’s normal network, including education, health and the family as a whole.
Children aged between 5 to 11 years old can be referred to Amber Lodge. These referrals will come from our colleagues in Tier 3 (Community) CAMHS teams:
Following a discussion with the referrer, the team agree whether the referral is appropriate. We then begin the ‘Suitability Assessment’.
Contact us
The Becton Centre for Children and Young People
Amber Lodge
Sevenairs Road
S20 1NZ
Call: 0114 305 3106
Emerald Lodge is an open young person’s lodge offering mental health assessment, care and treatment for 8-13 year olds presenting with a serious mental illness, who require intensive day or hospital admission.
Location – The Becton Centre
The team – A multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, outreach, a range of therapists and administrative staff
Mode – Outreach, day patient, inpatient
Average length of treatment – 16 weeks, this can be a single or combination of the different modes available during a spell of care
Referrals are accepted from – CAMHS Community Consultant Psychiatrists or Team Leaders / Mental Health Professionals with the approval of the team Consultant Psychiatrist
Places – seven day places and nine inpatient beds
Key areas – Autism spectrum disorders, eating disorders, learning disabilities, mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychiatric problems, psychosis, self-harm, suicide attempt
A large number of the young people we treat come to us via emergency admissions, however planned admissions can also be arranged. Admissions are accepted 365 days a year, including admissions under the Mental Health Act.
As an open unit, we are unable to admit young people who pose a level of risk that is not consistent with being cared for in such an environment. This judgement is always based on an individual risk assessment rather than applying absolute exclusion criteria, and is reviewed regularly.
People requiring care in a more secure setting may be admitted to the Lodge later if the risk has reduced
Young people up to their 14th birthday can be referred to Emerald Lodge.
We accept males and females who have a mental illness or suspected mental illness that cannot be safely managed by outpatient services.
We are unable to accept young people requiring a more secure environment and those with a significant learning disability. We also cannot accept young people whose primary diagnosis is substance misuse.
Contact us
We accept referrals from CAMHS Community Consultant Psychiatrists or Team Leader / Mental Health Professionals with the approval of the team Consultant Psychiatrist.
The Becton Centre for Children and Young People
Emerald Lodge
Sevenairs Road
S20 1NZ
Tel: 0114 305 3106
Ruby Lodge accepts 8-18 year olds with a moderate to severe diagnosed learning disability with an associated mental illness or suspected mental illness that requires an intensive assessment and treatment planning.
Location – The Becton Centre
The team – A multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, a range of therapists and administrative staff
Mode – Inpatient
Average length of inpatient assessment and treatment planning – up to 12 weeks
Referrals are accepted from – CAMHS / Learning Disability Consultant Psychiatrists or Team Leader / Mental Health Professionals, with the approval of the team Consultant Psychiatrist
Places – Seven inpatient beds
Key areas – Autism spectrum disorders, eating disorders, learning disabilities, mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychiatric problems, psychosis, self-harm, suicide attempt
Young people can be referred to Ruby Lodge from the age of 8 to their 18th birthday (please contact us to discuss the referral if the young person is within 6 months of their 18th birthday).
We are unable to accept young people requiring a more secure environment.
After referral
Once a referral is accepted we will visit the young person and their family and the support services to get more information. By doing this we can make sure that their stay with us as comfortable as possible.
We will ask questions about all areas of the young person’s life so we can help them with daily living, health and wellbeing, going out and about and education.
We will then draw up an assessment plan with all concerned that we will use to structure the assessments we do, the reviews and discharge planning.
Contact us
We accept referrals from CAMHS Community Consultant Psychiatrists or Team Leader / Mental Health Professionals with the approval of the team Consultant Psychiatrist.
The Becton Centre for Children and Young People
Ruby Lodge
Sevenairs Road
S20 1NZ
Tel: 0114 305 3106
Sapphire Lodge is an open unit offering mental health care for 13-18 year olds with a serious mental illness who require hospital admission. We have developed a national and international reputation for innovation and pioneered the introduction of a comprehensive, all hours emergency admission service.
Location – The Becton Centre
The team – A multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, outreach, a range of therapists and administrative staff
Mode – Outreach, inpatient
Average length of treatment – 12 weeks
Referrals are accepted from – CAMHS Community Consultant Psychiatrists or Team Leader / Mental Health Professionals. with the approval of the team Consultant Psychiatrist
Places – 10 inpatient beds
Key areas – Autism spectrum disorders, eating disorders, learning disabilities, mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychiatric problems, psychosis, self-harm, suicide attempt
A large number of the young people we treat come to us via emergency admissions, however planned admissions can also be arranged. Admissions are accepted 365 days a year, including admissions under the Mental Health Act.
As an open unit, we are unable to admit young people who pose a level of risk that is not consistent with being cared for in such an environment. This judgement is always based on an individual risk assessment rather than applying absolute exclusion criteria, and is reviewed regularly.
People requiring care in a more secure setting may be admitted to the Lodge later if the risk has reduced
Young people from 13 up to their 18th birthday can be referred to Sapphire Lodge.
We accept males and females who have a mental illness or suspected mental illness that cannot be safely managed by outpatient services.
We are unable to accept young people requiring a more secure environment and those with a significant learning disability. We also cannot accept young people whose primary diagnosis is substance misuse.
Contact us
We accept referrals from CAMHS Community Consultant Psychiatrists or Team Leader / Mental Health Professionals with the approval of the team Consultant Psychiatrist.
The Becton Centre for Children and Young People
Sapphire Lodge
Sevenairs Road
S20 1NZ
Tel: 0114 305 3106
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