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Take part in research

taking part in research

Every year we do research to improve the lives of thousands of children around the country. Research with children helps us understand more about disease and illness from a child’s perspective. It can also help us learn more about some adult diseases that begin in childhood.

Testing medicines is a significant area of research. Many medicines used with children have only been tested on adults, but the way their bodies handle medication can differ as can their reaction to diseases. It is important that further research is done to ensure that children are receiving the best treatment possible, whatever the severity of their illness.

See studies currently recruiting

Types of research

We undertake several different types of clinical research:

  • Studies that only use information from health records. These are generally looking for statistical information that may link a disease with a location, age or medical history for example.
  • Studies that ask you to complete a questionnaire or attend a focus group or interview. The researchers may want to find out about certain lifestyles, families or attitudes to illness or treatments.
  • Studies that take measurements or collect samples. These studies often don’t involve any kind of treatment and are used in genetic research to compare one group of people with another.
  • Studies that involve treatment. These are often, but not always, clinical trials.

Research activities

You and your child might have to undertake various activities including:

  • coming to hospital for extra visits
  • giving extra blood or tissue samples, pictures, x-rays or scans
  • completing a questionnaire or attending a focus group or interview
  • taking special medicine or tablets
  • keeping a diary of activity levels, food intake or how your child feeling

Everything your child needs to do for the study will be explained to you by the research team and you will be given information leaflets to take home.

Taking part

A member of the research team will explain the study to you including its purpose, any risks and what will be expected of you and your child if you decide to take part.

Once you have agreed to take part you will need to sign consent forms – even after you have signed these forms you can withdraw your child from the study at any time.

Remember that any involvement in research is voluntary and you don’t have to take part. It will not affect your child’s ongoing treatment if you refuse and you don’t have to give a reason for refusing. You might be asked why you decided not to take part to help the researchers find out if there is anything that they can change or improve in future.

Latest case studies

Get involved

If you would like to get involved in a research project or clinical trial, please contact the Clinical Research Facility team on 0114 271 7417. They will be happy to offer you practical advice on how your family can help.

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