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Sheffield NHS Trusts’ Sustainability Festival

A person in blue scrubs is holding a bunch of yellow flowers and smelling them.
12 July 2024

We had a blooming lovely visit at our Climate Café event last month as part of the Sheffield NHS Trusts’ Sustainability Festival.

The festival was a collaboration between Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It featured events across the city which brought patients and staff together to help create a greener future in Sheffield’s healthcare organisations.

Thanks to funding from The Children’s Hospital Charity’s dedicated arts programme Art+, we welcomed Kendal from the charity Bloom who hosted posy making at our Climate Café event.

The Climate Café was organised to give busy staff members a chance in their day to connect with others, enjoy an activity in nature and have conversations about the climate crisis which might usually be hard to talk about or could spark exciting ideas.

Phil Branford, Environmental and Sustainability Officer, said: “By sharing our thoughts we realise we are not alone and that helps inspire us to make change. Staff shared lots of thoughts and feelings whilst arranging their flowers, including the challenges associated with choosing sustainable options – like cost or availability. We also talked about the positives around being environmentally friendly and how it is becoming normalised in society. Everyone agreed that spending time in nature was good for our soul and made us feel happier!”

Throughout the festival there was also forest bathing, gardening and planting activities, guided walks, Q&A sessions with our Youth Forum and staff members, ward visits to hear from patients, and lots more.

Following on from the Sustainability Festival we are continuing to work with children and young people around important sustainability solutions, and we will soon be launching our Green Space and Biodiversity Plan along with an updated Green Plan.

Thank you to everyone involved with the month-long festival and to The Children’s Hospital Charity, Art+ and Bloom for helping provide this special event.

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