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Romilly’s Story: Bringing Medical Daycare an early Christmas present

Romilly’s Story: Bringing Medical Daycare an early Christmas present

19 November 2021

Christmas is still a while away but our Medical Daycare team would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to one patient who brought them an early gift!   Five-year-old Romilly brought 250 new toys to refill their treat...

Transgender day of Remembrance 2021

Transgender day of Remembrance 2021

19 November 2021

Transgender Day of Remembrance is an international day held on 20 November to remember and stand in solidarity with our trans siblings whose lives have been lost due to anti-transgender hatred and violence. It was started back in 1999...

Young people at a dedicated mental health centre take part in theatre project

Young people at a dedicated mental health centre take part in theatre project

17 November 2021

Young people who are currently the Becton Centre for children and young people with mental health issues have had the opportunity to take part in a creative arts project thanks to a collaboration between Sheffield arts companies and funding...

Sheffield Children’s is 145 years old!

Sheffield Children’s is 145 years old!

15 November 2021

Where we began Sheffield Children’s is 145 years old today!  We thought we should take some time for a little journey through our history. On November 15 1876 Sheffield Children’s Hospital opened for the first time on Brook Hill,...

Isabelle’s story: Living life to the full after surgery

Isabelle’s story: Living life to the full after surgery

12 November 2021

Meet Isabelle, climber of trees, swimmer and taekwondo athlete. Isabelle, now eight years old, has a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Her mum Lyndsay found out at her 20 week scan back in 2012 that Isabelle had a hole in her...

CQC visit recognises Sheffield Children’s progress

CQC visit recognises Sheffield Children’s progress

10 November 2021

We welcomed the CQC’s visit and their feedback on our services at this particularly challenging time for children’s mental health. We were pleased they found that colleagues were well trained, lodges were clean and COVID-safe and that patient risks...

Sheffield Children’s urges action to create healthier future for our children and young people

Sheffield Children’s urges action to create healthier future for our children and young people

05 November 2021

·        Our own Green Plan outlines our commitment to creating a healthier future and focusing on engaging our people, patients and families. ·        The plan details our ambitions with the overall aim of empowering and educating people to reduce...

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