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Kieran’s osteogenesis imperfecta story

Kieran’s osteogenesis imperfecta story

26 March 2019

Five-year-old Kieran never tires of asking questions, within two minutes of being seen at his appointment on Medical Daycare, he’d asked his nurse what every single piece of equipment was called and what it does. Kieran now knows a...

Lilly’s story – Neonatal Surgical Unit

Lilly’s story – Neonatal Surgical Unit

19 March 2019

Lilly Espin was born three weeks early, with jaundice and suffering from an extremely bloated stomach. Dad said: “Lilly was dormant, she didn’t really react to anything. The night she was born – her stomach was so swollen they...

Shining stars celebrated at awards

Shining stars celebrated at awards

12 March 2019

A “one in a million” nurse who has “inspired children to become nurses” won the Children’s Star award at the Star Awards 2019 ceremony. Laura Butler, from Neurosurgery, and The Sleep Service Team won the individual and team awards,...

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