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Sheila Daley

Sheila Daley

Role: Specialist Nurse Counsellor for Haemoglobinopathy
Address: UK

1976-1979 Registered General Nurse (GNC)




C&G 7307
ENB 998
ENB No 25
Community Development & Health course 1997
ENB No 8 – course attendance – Nottingham
Counselling skills course
Comprehensive Haemoglobinopathy Course 2004

Guy’s & St Thomas (1 week)

PEGASUS course -2006 ( 1 week)
Antenatal Results and choices 2009

Day 1 Breaking Bad news

Day 2 supporting parents’ decision

Level 3 safeguarding training


STAC (sickle and thal association of counsellors)
UK Forum on Haemoglobin disorder
Antenatal screening group -Sheffield
Community Genetics Group
Blood spot forum


The Haemoglobinopathy Service has been commissioned in Sheffield since 2004 with the introduction of screening for sickle cell disorders on the newborn bloodspot screening test and universal antenatal screening for sickle cell and thalassaemia for pregnant women in Sheffield.

The Service aims to provide a culturally competent service that puts the client at the centre of decision making and constantly strives to improve service provision and delivery. The service works in collaboration with Doctors, GPs, midwives, Laboratory staff, health visitors, school nurses, organisations and groups to provide a complementary service for the people of Sheffield.

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