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Lisa Ibberson

Profile picture of Lisa Ibberson

Lisa Ibberson

Role: Immunology Nurse Specialist

I am a Registered Sick Children’s and Adult Nurse, I have worked as a paediatric nurse for over 30 years. During this time I have gained experience in a variety of areas including orthopaedics, medicine, surgery, high dependency, school nursing and latterly as an Immunology Specialist Nurse where I have been in post for almost eight years. During this time I have developed my knowledge and skills supporting children, young people and families with a variety of immunological conditions and infectious diseases.

I have undergone specific training in relation to the speciality and completed my MMedSci in Child Health Assessment and Applied Physiology in 2017.  I have a specific interest in children and young people with Hereditary Angioedema and am currently on the working group to introduce a National SCID (severe combined immune deficiency) Screening Programme for newborn babies.

When not at work I love spending time with my family, enjoy touring caravan holidays and exploring the great outdoors.

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