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Dr Stephen Jones

Profile photo of Dr Stephen Jones

Dr Stephen Jones

Role: Principal Clinical Psychologist

Research publications:

Full Publications

Jones, S., Smith, L., & Ainsworth, K. (2021).  An investigation into the impact of COVID-19 on the relationships between parents of children diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and the Multi-disciplinary Team. Journal of Medical Psychology. Doi:10.3233/JMP-200027

Kansra. S., Calvert. R., & Jones. S. (2021) Stigma from medication use: an under recognised burden of care. Breathe. 17 210002.

Perfitt, J., Plunkett, N., & Jones, S. (2020). The placebo effect in the management of chronic pain. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 20(11). Doi:

Jones, S., & Hurrell, E. (2019). A single case experimental design: how do different psychological outcome measures capture the experience of a client undergoing CBT for chronic pain. British Journal of Pain, 13(1). 6-12.

Jones, S., Raykos, B. C., McEvoy, P. M., Ieraci, J., Fursland, A., & Waller, G. (2019). The Development and validation of a measure of eating disorder-specific interpersonal problems: The interpersonal relationships in eating disorders (IR-ED) scale, Psychological Assessment, 31 (3). 389-403

Jones, S, Babiker, N., Gardner, E., Royle, J., Curley, R., Hoo, Z. H., & Wildman, M. (2015) Promoting adherence to nebulised therapy in cystic fibrosis: Poster development and a qualitative exploration of adherence. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9. 1109-1120


Conference Posters

Jones, S., & Rabey, Y. (2022). WS03.04 Psychosocial outcomes from annual review – a comparison of young people prescribed CFTR medication and those who were not. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 21 (Suppl 1). S6

Jones, S., Waller, G., Raykos, B. C., Fursland, A., & Byrne, S. (2017). Interpersonal relationships and eating disorders: Development and validation of a new measure – The IR-ED. AED International Conference of Eating Disorders.

Jones, S., Curley, R., & Wildman, M. (2013). Systematic review of qualitative studies investigating barrier to adherence in patients with cystic fibrosis using framework analysis structured by a conceptual behaviour framework of behaviour change. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 12 (S136). 345.

Jones, S., Babiker, N., Field, E., Royle, J., & Wildman, M. (2013). From rescue to prevention: Collaborative marketing project developing posters to promote adherence for nebulised therapy in adults with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 12 (S137). 348

Rose, C., Attfield, R., Milne, A., Thornton, S., Jones, S., Royle, J., & Wildman, M. (2013). Embedding motivational interviewing training capacity in cystic fibrosis dieticians and physiotherapists. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 12 (S138). 352

Milne, A., Attfield, R., Thornton, S., Jones, S., & Wildman, M. (2013). Team insights into adherence barriers: Learning from a diabetes self-management exercise. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 12 (S137). 347


Other Publications

Psychological Wellbeing: A Multidisciplinary approach to care: Top tips for the management of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) undergoing autologous stem cell transplant (ACST). (2020) Takeda Oncology.


Conference Presentations

Psychosocial outcomes from annual review – a comparison of young people prescribed CFTR medication and those who were not – Invited speaker (2022). European Cystic Fibrosis Society Conference, Rotterdam.

The changing ways of working and the impact on the CF MDT – Workshop Facilitator (2021). European Cystic Fibrosis Society Conference

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An introduction for MDTs (2020) Caring Together Conference: Sheffield Children’s Hospital

(Also presented separately at request of Difficult Asthma Team and Cystic Fibrosis Team)

Cancer Related Fatigue and Mental Health. (2017). Sheffield Cancer Network Meeting

Managing Emotional and Physical Side Effects of Cancer. (2018). Let’s Talk About Cancer: Yorkshire Cancer Research

Managing Emotional and Physical Side Effects of Cancer. (2018). Leukaemia Care: Patient Information Day.


Funding received

Clinical Research Network: “Unblocking the blocks”: Psychological Stepped Care Pilot in a Paediatric Health Care Setting – CV056. (2022)

Sheffield Children’s Hospital Clinical Research Facility: Psychological Drop-in – The Lucy Project (2022)

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