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Dr Nevyne Chalhoub

Dr Nevyne Chalhoub

Role: Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

I am a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist working in a locality based multidisciplinary CAMHS team where I am involved in the assessment, treatment and management of children with a range of mental health difficulties and/or disorders including depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, ASD, tics, psychosis and eating disorders.
I am a founding member of the team’s specialist Attention, Behaviour, Communication and Development Clinic (ABCD) in view of my special interest in ADHD & ASD.

I am also one of the founding members of the city-wide multidisciplinary Eating Disorder Assessment Clinic, an innovative clinic which allows a holistic assessment at the first appointment of the sufferer’s mental, physical and dietetic profile. It’s a unique example of close collaboration between mental health workers from a range of disciplines, paediatric and dietetics.

I have led on numerous audits including the management of ADHD, ASD and Eating Disorders.

I am a Child & Adolescent Psychiatry trainer and am a clinical supervisor for both Core Trainees and Speciality Trainees. I am also an Educational Supervisor.

I enjoy teaching as well as training. I am a regular contributor to the Sheffield Multi-Agency Training programme and to the Sheffield Distance Learning Programme in Paediatric Neurodisability (now an MSc).

I am passionate about research, particularly collaborative research. I am involved in drug trials, am collaborating with Sheffield University to further our understanding of ADHD and I am a joint lead with Dr Harpin on a CLAHRC (Collaboration for Leadership and Applied Health Research and Care) funded project looking into the implementation of a web based system for ADHD in the city.

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