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Bethan Plant

Partner governor Bethan Plant

Bethan Plant

Role: Partner Governor Sheffield City Council

I was elected as a partner governor in 2017.

I am a Public Health Specialist working at Sheffield City Council. In my role I have responsibility for the children and young people’s Public Health team. I have had a career working in Public Health over the past twenty four years and have a special interest in the field of children and young people’s health and wellbeing.

During my career in Public Health I have been employed by both the Local Authority and NHS. I have developed strong links and experience of working across the wider NHS system. I also have an interest in health protection and reducing health inequalities. My work has mostly been within Sheffield but my public health career started in Stoke on Trent working in North Staffordshire.

I am partner representing Sheffield City Council.

I am happy to hear from staff, parents, service users and members of the public and will do my best to ensure your views are heard.

I can be contacted on

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