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TytoHome Patient User Guide

TytoHome main image

Thank you for taking part in our pilot as we explore new ways to bring the care we deliver to our patients. If you have any questions please contact your community nurse specialist team.

Please look after the TytoCare device and its accessories. We kindly ask that you don’t use them for any purpose other than which they are intended. By looking after this equipment this means we can continue to provide the care your child needs.

Important safety information

  • The TytoHome device is an innovation to support clinical teams to deliver remote healthcare where appropriate. We hope this will benefit patients by reducing travel and providing faster access to clinical teams virtually. If you have immediate concerns over your child’s health you should still seek professional advice.
  • Please ensure that the tongue depressor holder, blade and otoscope (ear) attachment cover are fitted securely prior to use as these can be potential choking hazards. You should hear a locking click sound with the tongue depressor blade. To lock the otoscope cover in place, rotate it.
  • Disposables for home devices can be re-used for the same patient cleaned between uses.
  • The Tyto Device should be low level disinfected in between uses. Make sure that the Tyto Device is turned off and thoroughly wipe the device’s exterior with 70% isopropyl Alcohol wipes or with pads impregnated with 70% ethyl Alcohol. Allow the Tyto Device for air dry for at least two minutes.
  • Do not use any disposables that are cracked or damaged. Please contact your community nurse specialist team for new ones.
Practicing examinations

After you setup your device and signed in, you should practice using your TytoCare Device so that you are ready when you need to perform an exam. Your device provides a series of short and friendly tutorials, ‘Tyto Academy’, that explain how to correctly perform key exams.

Since heart and lung exams use the stethoscope, it is best to practice these exams in a quiet room.

You can also find the ‘Tyto Academy’ training videos on our YouTube channel by clicking on the links below – or watch the full playlist.

  1. Pairing your TytoCare device
  2. Let’s get started with TytoCare
  3. Offline exam explained
  4. Online visit explained
  5. Ear exam – how to with TytoCare
  6. Ear Exam – troubleshooting TytoCare
  7. Heart sounds exam – how to with TytoCare
  8. Heart sounds exam – troubleshooting TytoCare
  9. Heart rate exam – how to with TytoCare
  10. Lung exam – how to with TytoCare
  11. Lung exam – troubleshooting TytoCare
  12. Skin exam – how to with TytoCare
  13. Temperature exam – how to with TytoCare
  14. Throat exam – how to with TytoCare
  15. Throat exam – troubleshooting TytoCare


What’s in the box?

In your TytoCare pouch you will have the TytoCare device and accessories as below.

Whats in the box

  1. Tyto device – Includes an LCD touch screen, main processing unit, rechargeable battery, camera, illumination, sensors and connector which is used to mount the accessories.
  2. Otoscope – Add-on for ears exam.
  3. Stethoscope – Add-on for heart and lungs auscultations and measurement of heart rate.
  4. Tongue depressor – Optional tool for throat exam, including a re-usable holder and re-usable blades. There are 2 sizes, adult and child.
  5. Tray – Holder for device and add-ons. To be used during examinations.
  6. Carrying case Stores and keeps the entire TytoHome product, including the Tyto device, add-ons, disposables. Note there is a designated place on the case top to be used as a mobile stand, to hold a mobile device during examination and online virtual visit.
Connecting accessories

In order to connect any of the accessories to the TytoCare device, align the blue dot on the accessory and then gently push the two together.

Example with stethoscope as below:

Connecting accessories 1

Storage instructions

Store the device and the components in a clean and safe location. Do not store the device in a wet, humid or dusty location. Do not store the device outside the above-mentioned storage conditions. Do not store the device where it is directly exposed to sunlight.

Getting started

Ensure that you look after the device, make sure it is charged between uses and keep out of reach of children. A USB cable and UK plug is also provided. The charging point is circled in the image below.

Getting started 1

The hospital will add your details onto the TytoCare platform and you will be sent a ‘Welcome email’ from TytoCare with your user log-in and password details. You will need to follow these instructions and log in.

Getting started 2 apple


Getting started 3 google


  1. Ensure you have downloaded the App from either the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Google).


Getting started 4 icon2. Select the TytoCare App.
Getting started 5 login3. Login by entering the Username and Password you have been provided in the ‘Welcome email’ from TytoCare.

Note: This is case sensitive so please make sure you use any capital letters where appropriate.

Getting started 6 turn on4. Turn on the TytoCare device by pressing the button on the top.
Getting started 7 screen5. The screen displayed on the device will prompt you to download the TytoCare App if you haven’t already. Tap ‘I have the app’.
Pairing your device (first time use) - WiFi

You must perform a short pairing process between your mobile and the device over Wi-Fi or Hotspot. This process is done once per device (if your Wi-Fi network is not secured by a password, you will not be able to pair the device and app).

Pairing your device 1


1. The pairing procedure should start automatically upon login or after the registration process. If you do not see the ‘Pair Tyto Device’ screen (below) please refer to the manual pairing procedure on page 10.

Enter Wi-Fi password and tap ‘Next’.

Pairing your device 2


2. QR code created on the mobile device.

Enter Wi-Fi password and tap ‘Next’.




3. You now need to use the Tyto device camera to read the QR code from the mobile device screen. Follow the four steps labelled below:
Pairing your device 3a


a) Tap ‘Scan barcode’ on the device. The device camera is activated.
Pairing your device 3b


b) Position the crosshairs over the QR code displayed in the App. When identified, wait until the pairing process is finished.
Pairing your device 3c


c) Success confirmation in App – tap ‘ok’.
Pairing your device 3d


d) Confirmation in the Tyto device.
Pairing your device (first time use) – Hotspot
Pairing your hotspot 31. Open the mobile device ‘Personal Hotspot’ settings and enable the Hotspot. 
Pairing your device 3a2. Tap ‘Scan barcode’ on device. The device camera is activated.
Pairing your device 3b3. Position the crosshairs over the QR code displayed in the App, for iOS devices only: after scanning go back to the settings screen of the hotspot network on your phone and wait for it to connect to the network, see image in step 1 above.

When identified, wait until the pairing process is finished.

Pairing your device 3d


4. Wait for the device confirmation and switch back to the Tyto App.
Manual pairing procedure

Follow this procedure for manual pairing should the automatic pairing process be unsuccessful.

Manual pairing 1


1. Tap Menu, located at the top-left corner of the App.
Manual pairing 2


2. Tap ‘Pair Tyto device’
Manual pairing 3


3. Follow the App instructions.
Manual pairing 44. Swipe down on the short line on the top of the device.

Tap ‘pairing’.


Manual pairing 5

5. Tap ‘connect to phone’, and then ‘scan barcode’.
Manual pairing 6


6. Use the device camera to scan the QR code: Position the crosshairs over the QR code displayed in the App.
Manual pairing 77. Success message will pop-up. Tap OK to continue.
Device connectivity indicators

The connectivity status of the device to the TytoCare App is indicated in the upper right corner of the device screen as well as on the TytoApp.

Device connectivity indicators 1Device connected to the App
Device connectivity indicators 2Device not connected to the App
Device connectivity indicators 3Device is paired
Device connectivity indicators 4Device is disconnected
Types of visits

Your clinical teams will advise which option to use.

Type of visits 11. On the phone now select your child’s name from the ‘Patient list’.
Type of visits 22. You will then be presented with two options, ‘See a clinician online’ or ‘Exam and Forward’.

If ‘See a clinician online’ please note you will see a waiting area until the nurse or doctor starts the video call.

Select ‘Exam and Forward’ to record an examination and send it to a team to review.

Help and support

Please contact your clinical nurse specialist in the first instance to resolve any issues.

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