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Play Specialists

child and play team playing with interactive fish

Our team of Play Specialists works closely with each ward and department providing inpatients and outpatients with play activities to prepare, distract and relax them during their time here.

Each ward and department has a designated play specialist who can work with children and siblings at the bed side or in play rooms.

We provide toys, games and computers and organise art projects and displays with the children. We aim to make the environment as fun and welcoming as possible for all patients.

We’re also on hand to answer any questions children may have and reassure them about what will happen next.

Our role

Play Specialists promote and provide a quality play service for all children from birth to adolescence including:

  • providing both normalising and therapeutic play
  • helping children come to terms with their fears and anxieties and master their experiences
  • preventing developmental regression through assessment and planning individual play programmes
  • promoting normal development and helping children meet specific developmental goals

We also aid diagnosis, contribute to clinical judgements, improve recovery rates and encourage children’s co-operation with hospital procedures.

We share our knowledge and skills with the multidisciplinary team to promote the importance of play within the hospital environment.

Talk to us

There is a member of the play team on each ward and in most departments too. If you feel that your child needs some support please feel free to ask – that is what we’re here for!

We can provide a variety of play activities and can also help your child understand their treatment by explaining what is going to happen using role play or books.

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