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Autism and Social Communication Team – A Local Authority specialist support service for children and young people experiencing challenges relating to social communication difficulties or autism. They offer direct work with children and provide advice and support to parents and professionals.
Sheffield Support Grid A locally-developed guidance document for school staff and other professionals. It is intended to help schools allocate support to learners with additional needs in a fair, consistent and transparent way.
Inclusion and Attendance Team. Offers advice and support to schools where children and young people are experiencing barriers to engaging in their education (such as being at risk of exclusion or having poor attendance). The team works collaboratively with schools to consider how to overcome those barriers with a focus on better outcomes for children. Schools can refer through inclusion panels and parents can seek advice via sheffieldinclusion&
0-5 SEN/D Service (including the Portage Home Visiting Service) Offers support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, their carers and education providers for children from 0-5+. The service supports children who have complex needs to which there is a clear impact on their learning and development. Referrals are made by nursery or early years settings. Please contact your child’s provider to discuss a referral. Your child does not need a confirmed diagnosis to be referred.
SENDIASS A statutory service offering free impartial, confidential, information advice and support to children and young people (0-25 years old) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parent carers on education and related health and social care matters.
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA) Provides free and independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with special educational needs.
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