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Sheffield Eating Disorders Assessment and Treatment Team (SEDATT)

Centenary House

The Sheffield Children’s Sheffield Eating Disorder Assessment and Treatment Team (SEDATT) team are a specialist service within our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) who work closely with our colleagues at the Sheffield Eating Disorder Service which supports people over 16 with eating disorders.

The SEDATT team assess and manage young people under 16 years of age in Sheffield who have eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder (BED). There are some cases of patients who we help to support with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) who are from within the Sheffield catchment area. Whilst a patient is being treated by SEDATT, the team also manages some mental health conditions that commonly coexist with eating disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

The multi-disciplinary team includes a consultant psychiatrist, clinical nurse specialists, mental health practitioners, a specialty doctor, a specialist dietician, consultant paediatrician, and medical secretary.

There is currently no multi-disciplinary service at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust commissioned to assess and treat children and young people who may have avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). Sheffield Children’s teams are working with partners to look at what support we might be able to provide in the future for children and young people with ARFID.

What happens at a SEDATT assessment

What happens at a SEDATT assessment

Assessment Clinic

What we do

Therapy appointments

We offer therapeutic sessions and an allocated a case-worker. As part of your therapy, we might need to take physical observations, such as height, weight, blood pressure and pulse.  We do this in our clinic room and with support from staff and parents/caregivers.

Family therapy and other psychological interventions that we offer

We offer family therapy, systemic family therapy and CBT.  We will talk to you about the best therapeutic support and agree appointments in advance with you and your family.  As part of your therapy, we might need to take physical observations, such as height, weight, blood pressure and pulse.  We do this in our clinic room and with support from staff and parents/caregivers.

Referral Information for Health Professionals

What can I do to help?

Monitor the young person’s weight
Call us to discuss a referral if you’re unsure

We have a daily Duty team member on call who can help you and signpost you if necessary.

Referral criteria
  • Young person is under the age of 16
  • The young person is registered at a Sheffield GP.
  • Suspected eating disorder as the primary issue.  Symptoms may include avoidance / restriction of food, loss of weight, fear of weight gain, bingeing / purging, concerns about weight or shape.
  • Referrals via either GP or other professional currently involved in the young person’s care.
Early Intervention

Direct the young person and their family to online resources, such as the BEAT website (The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity – Beat ( and Eva Musby videos (Eva Musby – YouTube).  There is also: Golddigger Trust (Golddigger Trust) and Door43 (Sheffield Futures – Door43 – Emotional, Mental and Sexual Health Support | Hepp Hub).

If the young person is over the age of 14, consider referral to SYEDA (dependent on risk as per MEED guidelines)
Complete our referral form for consideration for assessment

Please make sure that you complete the referral form as thoroughly as you can (on the website – will create a link to it here) and try to include previous height, weight and physical observations, as this information helps us to prioritise the most urgent referrals.

Referral forms

If you are a GP or healthcare professional, please complete this referral form.

Other parts of Sheffield Children’s we work with

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Children’s Hospital is one of only three dedicated children’s hospital trusts in the UK and provides integrated healthcare for children and young people, including community and mental health care as well as acute and specialist services. 

Rygate Centre

We see children with a range of complex neurological disorders at the Ryegate Children’s Centre and the outpatients department holds specialist neurology and neurodisability clinics on a daily basis. We also have a respite centre here.


Our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) treats children and young people with a range of difficulties that are seriously impacting on their mental health and emotional wellbeing. 

Links to external sites/further support

South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association
SYEDA – South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association: SYEDA is an independent charity, originally established in 1996 by a group of people who were affected by eating disorders and who were concerned that they were not able to find helpful information, guidance and help when they needed it.
Eating Disorder Service
Eating Disorder Service | Sheffield Health and Social Care ( EDS provides a range of mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services to the people of Sheffield. Some of the specialist services they provide support people from across the region, and our gender identity clinic receives referrals from across the country.
The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity – Beat ( Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, Beat’s mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders by encouraging and empowering people to get help quickly.

Help your child eat with trust, not logic: The Bungee Jump

Stuck and not eating! Anorexia/eating disorders: parents’ meal support tips

Eating disorders meal support: Helpful approaches for families


At the age of 16, your care will transfer to the adult eating disorder service, run by Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, called ‘SEDS’ (Sheffield Eating Disorder Service).  Before your 16th birthday, we will talk to you about this and help you to prepare.  We will also attend meetings to arrange for your care to be transferred, called a ‘Transition Meeting’.  This is where you will get to meet those who will be involved in your care and where appointments will take place.


At SEDATT we use our detailed assessment with the young person and their family to devise a management plan which may include:

  • psychoeducation
  • family-based intervention
  • meal planning support
  • cognitive behaviour therapy
  • occupational therapy
  • guided self-help cognitive behaviour therapy
  • multi-family therapy
  • psychiatric assessment
  • medication review
  • body image work
  • home treatment
  • support to paediatric wards
  • dietetic support
  • physical monitoring

Feedback from patients and families

Would you like to give feedback?

“They were just talking to me straightforward, not like skirting around the facts, that’s good” – young person

“It was important for us to hear the seriousness of it but it was also important for [young person] to hear just how seriously she was affected by the starving, the pressures it was putting on the body” – parent

“They were looking at it from all angles. It’s better than just one person looking at that situation anyway… the whole of them are making the judgement together and I think for the initial meeting, that was really good” – young person

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