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My Follow-up Plan

My Follow-up Plan

My Follow-up Plan is a way for you to decide when you need to be seen.

We offer this to children and families who our clinicians have assessed are safe to have a follow-up based on your own pace and needs. After your discussion with the clinician, we won’t plan on seeing you again unless you decide you need to be seen. This means you’re in control of when you want to be seen, instead of us seeing you when you’re well. Your clinician will agree with you which symptoms to look out for.

Call 0114 305 3691 and we will arrange for you to have the next routine appointment.

What if I need to be seen urgently?

If you feel that you need to be seen urgently, call the contact centre on 0114 305 3691 and tell our booking team. We may need to pass a message to the clinical team for them to decide how best to see you, but we will make sure that you get an appointment.

Will I still have regular appointments?

No. This Pathway will mean that we aren’t planning on seeing you routinely unless you decide you need to be seen. This might feel a bit strange, but we’re confident that you know enough about your condition to know when you need to be seen.

Does this mean that I won’t see my usual clinician?

This depends on which specialty you’re being seen by. If you have a preference, ask when you contact us and we’ll try to accommodate this.


You can download a fillable PDF follow up plan here. 

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