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Your chance to become a governor at Sheffield Children’s

nurse and patient
12 April 2017

People from across South Yorkshire are being invited to play a part in the future of children’s healthcare by nominating themselves as governors at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust .

There are eight public positions available, representing areas around Sheffield, as well as in Doncaster and Barnsley with the closing date for nominations coming on Wednesday 17 May 2017. There are also roles available specifically for patients and carers.

Once elected, governors can play a key role in making sure views of members of the public are heard at the highest level of the Trust.

As a governor you will also have the opportunity to find out more about how services run within the Trust, visit hospital departments and quiz executives on the Trust’s performance.

Patient Governor Sophie Lewis said: “I jumped at the chance to become a governor, I couldn’t think of a better way to repay all they have done for me. It’s really rewarding to see how much work and dedication goes in to improve services. It’s amazing to be given the opportunity to be involved.”

Sarah West, from Rotherham became a governor after her son spent time at the hospital: “It’s great to be able to contribute to the Trust to make sure that the needs of all South Yorkshire’s children are considered.”

If you are looking for a new challenge, can spare some time on a regular basis and want to make a difference to children’s lives, then becoming a Governor could be for you.

Judith Green, Associate Director of Corporate affairs at Sheffield Children’s said: “We provide full training and support for all our governors and all we ask in return is some of your spare time and a commitment to improving healthcare services for families who use the Trust.”

Sheffield Children’s is one of only three dedicated children’s hospital trusts within the UK, they provide a full range of health services across six sites in Sheffield as well as having services within the community.

Sheffield Children’s is currently undergoing exciting changes with a £40m redevelopment; part of which features a brand new Outpatients department which opened in November 2016.

Read more about the Governor role and find out whether you are eligible.

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