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Tesla Model S lights up the Fast Track to Sheffield Children’s surgery

Child drives a mini Tesla car
21 November 2018

Children and young people at Sheffield Children’s Hospital can now travel to their surgery in style thanks to members of the UK Tesla Owners Group.

Peter and Sarah Crown from Dronfield donated a mini Tesla Model S especially for children having operations at the hospital. Patients using the new Fast Track Theatres service at Sheffield Children’s can drive themselves to the operating theatres.

The Fast Track service allows children coming for day surgery to spend less time waiting and be home quicker.

Peter said: “Sarah and I are delighted that we have been able to donate the mini Tesla Model S to Sheffield Children’s and hope that the patients who use it will get as much enjoyment from it as we do driving the bigger version!”

Six year old James Webb was the first to drive the mini Tesla on his way to surgery. His dad Barry said:

“James’ opportunity to drive the Tesla car to Theatre definitely added a fun and exciting element to a daunting experience, giving him something to look forward to during his wait and helping to alleviate his anxiety in the run up to his operation. He really enjoyed the experience and would definitely recommend it.”

The Californian based car manufacturer Tesla only makes electric cars and as part of its rewards programme mini Model S cars are awarded to owners who refer new customers.

Some of the members of the 4,000 strong UK Tesla Owners Group have donated their mini Tesla cars to local hospitals, while others have bought them directly from the manufacturer.

Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk is backing the scheme.

Peter and Sarah bought a mini Tesla through their business PCPM Limited and donated it to Sheffield Children’s. The car was presented by members of the UK Tesla Owners Group who arrived in a convoy of 6 Tesla Model S cars.

Jamie Shepherd, the Theatre Manager at Sheffield Children’s, said: “Having a surgery can be a scary time for some children but this will help to make the whole experience much more fun for them.”

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