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Specialist weight clinics evaluation welcomed by Sheffield Children’s

Specialist weight clinics evaluation welcomed by Sheffield Children’s

11 March 2024

Researchers at Sheffield Hallam University have been awarded more than £1.5m to lead an evaluation of NHS clinics across England set up to support children and young people who have weight-related complications. Dr Dita Aswani, Consultant Paediatrician specialising in...

Four Sheffield Children’s nurses win Chief Nursing Officer silver award

Four Sheffield Children’s nurses win Chief Nursing Officer silver award

17 October 2022

We had a special visit from Dame Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England, along with Professor Mark Radford, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England to say thank you and award four of our colleagues with silver...

NHS England update: COVID-19 jab invite letters sent to one million 16 and 17 year olds

NHS England update: COVID-19 jab invite letters sent to one million 16 and 17 year olds

26 August 2021

NHS England update on vaccination invitations for young people Invitations to get a COVID vaccine are landing on the doormats of all 16 and 17 year olds from today, in a further effort to boost take-up in this age...

New specialist facility opens at Sheffield Children’s

New specialist facility opens at Sheffield Children’s

20 January 2020

A new £1m state-of-the-art facility has opened in Sheffield Children’s Hospital, complete with innovative and interactive artwork. The hospital’s newly developed Safeguarding Support Unit opened to patients in December after 18 months of design and building work. The new...

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