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Meet Leah

Meet Leah

08 September 2023

At Sheffield Children’s we have a dedicated team of people across the Trust who provide health and wellbeing support with a range of events for colleagues throughout the year. We also have a trained team of mental health first...

Sheffield Children’s shortlisted for national award

Sheffield Children’s shortlisted for national award

24 August 2022

The Communications team at Sheffield Children’s has been shortlisted in the ‘Communications Team Health and Wellbeing Award’ category of the national NHS Communicate Award. The category highlights the contribution that communications makes to the successful implementation and delivery of...

Supporting children who are worried about what they are seeing on the news

Supporting children who are worried about what they are seeing on the news

04 March 2022

A message from the Sheffield Children’s Psychology Team The world may feel like a scary, uncertain place at the moment due to recent events covered in the news. We may not be sure what to think, how to feel...

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            [message] => You currently have access to a subset of X API V2 endpoints and limited v1.1 endpoints (e.g. media post, oauth) only. If you need access to this endpoint, you may need a different access level. You can learn more here:
            [code] => 453
