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MyCare – Summer 2023

Child in Virtual Reality headset playing games whilst cuddling a blue teddy.
07 July 2023

MyCare is Sheffield Children’s quarterly newsletter. You can either pick up a printed copy or read about some of the interesting stories and updates from the past few months below.

In the Summer 2023 issue you can read:

  • Eden’s virtual travels

    Child in Virtual Reality headset playing games whilst cuddling a blue teddy.

    Eden has been coming to Sheffield Children’s to receive treatment for Polyarticular Juvenile Arthritis since she was just 18 months old.

    When Eden visits us now, she doesn’t just come to the hospital – she also gets to visit outer space and see what it’s like to swim on the bottom of the ocean floor!

    “But Sheffield isn’t near the seaside” we hear you say? You’re not wrong! Thanks to technology, every four weeks Eden is transported away from her hospital bed to exciting locations using virtual reality (VR) technology.

    Before using the VR headset Eden’s appointments were a little different and sometimes involved a few doctors and nurses working to cannulate Eden so she could receive her treatment. This medication helps reduce the inflammation, pain and stiffness Eden experiences so it’s really important and helps Eden do more of the things she loves.

    Eden said, “I like using the VR headset because it feels like I’m really there!”

    Helen Lee, Lead Rheumatology Nurse, and Sam Leach, Extended Scope Physiotherapist, explained the technical side: “The Rheumatology team have been trialling a specially designed medical DR-VR headset. We have predominately used the headset for procedural anxiety and as a distraction device for the giving of injections, cannulas, blood tests and steroid joint injections. Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis sometimes require steroid joint injections which have previously been done with the use of Entonox or gas and air.

    “The headset allows the child to have a quicker procedure with no physical side effects. So far we have had really positive feedback from all our patients and the headset also allows us to collect specific before and after data which will help drive future research. We are just in the process of trying to secure funding to permanently have this available for our patients.”

    Deborah, Eden’s mum, said: “In all the years that Eden has been coming to Sheffield Children’s the staff have always gone above and beyond to support her with all the treatment and appointments and this is another avenue that they are looking at to help children cope with often very scary situations that many adults would even struggle to cope with.

    “The technology is a godsend because we’ve had some really stressful times where it’s taken over an hour to cannulate Eden, even with numbing cream and Entonox to help reduce the stress and pain. From the first time she used the VR headset, they got the cannula in within seconds and Eden looks forward to coming now!”

    Summer of Joy!

    Two people are laughing while pruning a red plant

    You’ll find every colour of the rainbow in our Joy Garden. It’s a beautiful outdoor space at the hospital for families to wait in before their appointments during warmer weather.

    And it’s now even greener than before! The garden was recently spruced up by a team of Youth Forum members, our Executive team, and Sheffield Children’s colleagues.

    Together they planted and pruned a range of new flowers and plants – so pop out there and see which ones you can name! Freshening up the garden is one of lots of ways that our Youth Forum are helping to improve the experience of families at Sheffield Children’s.

    The Forum meet every month to talk about the issues that matter most to them. Our members have also helped to decide on the design of new hospital wards, chosen new entertainment for long-stay patients, and created new support resources for siblings.

    Find out more about joining the Youth Forum by emailing or calling 0114 305 3768.


    Joanne Bowers standing in front of a colourful background

    Our Learning Disability Lead Nurse, Joanne Bowers. We’re committed to providing equality in access to our health care services, and Joanne helps us do just that.

    How do you help families?

    I advocate for children, young people and families who have learning disabilities and/or autism. I help to enable easy access, improve patient experience, and ensure equal, individualised treatment and care.

    If you think your family would benefit from a little extra support, please get in touch with me. I can support with a range of reasonable adjustments such as access to a quiet room, pre-visits to services, desensitisation and support from our Play Team that may help to improve your experience with us.

    What’s a hospital passport?

    Staying in hospital can be a daunting and sometimes stressful experience. To help you and your child communicate your needs, we have developed a communication and health passport. This is a personalised record that provides staff with all the important information about your child’s support needs; their healthcare, learning disability, how they prefer to communicate and how we can make things easier for you in hospital.

    How do families access this support?

    The first stop is our Assistance for children with learning disabilities or autism webpage. If you can’t find what your need on there though, give me a call, or send an email. I’m on 07584 345848 or you can email I look forward to hearing from you!

    Up, up and away

    A toy helicopter is held high above the park below.

    Over the summer, we’ll be busily building a fantastic new addition to the hospital – a helipad!

    Sheffield Children’s Hospital is the designated Major Trauma Centre for children in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw and beyond, meaning we help patients requiring urgent care from around the region. This includes going as far east as Grimsby!

    There are only five dedicated paediatric Major Trauma Centres in England.

    At the moment though, only some air ambulances can land at Weston Park opposite the hospital and at certain times.

    A dedicated helipad will give our patients privacy and dignity as they arrive at Sheffield Children’s – without relying on crossing the busy A57.

    Thank you to everyone who supported and contributed to The Children’s Hospital Charity Helipad Appeal. We couldn’t have done it without you.

    Next time you’re heading past Sheffield Children’s Hospital – look up and see how the building work is going!

    Clinical trials

    Every year we carry out research to improve the lives of thousands of children around the country. We use research to explore new methods of treatment and to determine how beneficial they are for patients. Taking part might involve being part of a drug trial or completing questionnaires.

    Visit Research to see for yourself.

    Quiet rooms

    Our Outpatients waiting area can be a busy place, and may be overwhelming for some children. Quiet rooms are a space for patients with complex needs to wait for their appointment.

    If you think your child would benefit from using a quiet room, they can be booked in advance of your appointment by contacting our Play Team on 07920 765788. If the quiet rooms are in use, then they will do their best to find the most appropriate space for your needs while you wait.

    Birth and beyond

    Preparation for Birth and Beyond is a free five-week antenatal course delivered by fully qualified and experienced midwives, health visitors and infant feeding peer support workers. If you’re a soon-to-be first time parent, you might find it really useful!

    Let’s hear from you!

    Your feedback helps us to improve services and thank staff who have made your experience better. If you’ve recently visited or used services provided by Sheffield Children’s, let us know how it went on the Feedback webpage.

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