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Can you help us by making scrubs?

Staff in red scrubs
13 August 2020

can you help donate scrubs




Sheffield Children’s is looking for extra donations of scrubs for our dedicated teams as we increase the number of surgeries and other clinical work we do.


If you are able to help, please send the scrubs to:

Sheffield Children’s Hospital

Supplies department

Clarkson Street

S10 2TH


Please send your scrubs to us before 30 September. The scrubs can be of any size – S, M, L, XL – but should be labelled as appropriate.


They should also be:

  • 50/50 or 60/40 polyester/cotton
  • Able to be washed at 65 degrees
  • Between 145gsm to 160gsm (grams per metre)


Please do not deliver anything if you or members of your household have COVID-19 symptoms.


Thank you for your support for Sheffield Children’s.

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