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Partnerships in focus at virtual annual members meeting

sheffield children's hospital
08 August 2022

People will have an opportunity to learn more about two innovative partnership approaches at Sheffield Children’s annual members meeting on Wednesday, 14 September.

During the meeting, which is being held virtually, Trust leaders will provide an update on how the Trust has helped to lead the national Children’s Hospital Alliance, as well as a regional partnership approach to children and young people’s services covering South Yorkshire.

There will also be an opportunity to hear about the Trust’s other achievements during 2021/22 and to look ahead to the future. 

The meeting will hear directly from the Trust’s Chief Executive, Ruth Brown, as well as its external auditors, and the Trust’s Youth Forum.

Anyone can join online. The event will start at 4pm and last around 90 minutes.

People can register their place at the meeting by completing the form at where there is also information about becoming a member of the Trust. You will be sent a link to the event a day or two before with instructions on how to join.

Sarah Jones, Chair of Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We’re really excited about this year’s annual meeting, and can’t wait to talk to everyone about everything that’s been happening at Sheffield Children’s.

“We will miss seeing everyone in person, but this approach is hopefully a lot more convenient for families and people who work.”

Anyone is welcome to the meeting including patients, parents, staff and members of the wider community. 

The Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 are available on the Sheffield Children’s website – – where you can also find a summary version.

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