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Paediatric ENT experts brought together at Sheffield Children’s

Ear nose and throat surgeons practising on a fake child head
07 July 2022

In June 2022 Sheffield Children’s hosted the Paediatric ENT (ear nose and throat) Skills Course (PESC). The course brought together ENT Consultants and SAS doctors in non-specialist and specialist hospitals who are based in the UK and are members of ENT UK.

It provided a high-quality educational opportunity for ENT surgeons to enhance their capacity and confidence in the management of acute paediatric airway emergencies.

The course provides the inter-professional team working framework for the refreshment of knowledge, skills and behaviours and attitudes to manage paediatric emergencies and improve paediatric patient care. The educational material is evidence based, peer reviewed and aligned to the Royal College of Surgeons ENT continued professional development framework.

Sanj Gupta, Consultant Paediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon at Sheffield Children’s, hosted the course. He said: “It was an absolute pleasure to host PESC at Sheffield Children’s as our department’s first face-to-face simulation course since the pandemic. We had 16 delegates join us from around the country who had the opportunity to refresh knowledge and practise essential emergency skills on high-definition simulation mannequins in a more realistic environment. The course was well received by delegates and faculty alike. Thanks go to the large faculty who devoted their time at the weekend to help deliver the course, as well as to our sponsors for the event Smith and Nephew, Storz, and 3-D Matrix Medical Technology.”

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