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NHS 75: What did you miss?

09 July 2023

Celebrations for NHS75 have been going on all week long – with tea parties, Junior Parkruns to work off all the cake we ate, and lots of incredible stories! 

There was so much going on, you probably something. So here is our round up of an amazing week…

The Big Tea!

A big birthday calls for a big tea! On the NHS’s official 75th Birthday we hosted a special event in our Joy Garden and sent lots of party packs to our sites across the city to say thank you to everyone who works at Sheffield Children’s.

As well as all the scones, tea and memories that were shared today, the lovely arts team from The Children’s Hospital Charity hosted a hugely popular badge making session! Colleagues were able to create their own unique NHS 75 keepsake badges with bespoke designs that were created by local artist Emily Redfearn.

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved with organising the event and to everyone who came along to enjoy some treats.

Take a look at some of the photos from the day on our Facebook!


On your marks, get set, go!

To celebrate NHS75 we took over Junior Parkruns across Sheffield on Sunday 9 July.

Thank you to all of the amazing runners and volunteers who turned out at Graves Park, Hillsborough Park, and Olympic Legacy Park and made our dreams of a ‘Big Blue Wave’ a reality.

Chief Executive Ruth Brown said: “We’re delighted to have run alongside the children of Sheffield today. Celebrating the NHS’ 75th birthday is something everyone can get involved with – because the NHS belongs to us all. We’re here to celebrate NHS 75 with everyone. Sheffield Children’s is about helping children live healthy lives for the next 75 years, as well as being there when they’re poorly. We’re glad so many people came out to join us.”


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Stories from around Sheffield Children’s

During the week, we also posted about some former patients and current colleagues. They shared their interesting stories – some of which went right back to 1962! Click the links to read the full stories below.

Sam’s Story

Sam Hiley in the Joy Garden, smiling at the camera.

Sam Hiley has a special connection to Sheffield Children’s. Before he joined the wonderful Becton School as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teacher, Sam had previously spent time at Sheffield Children’s as a 14-year-old after sustaining a serious head injury.

Sam’s story: from patient to teacher at Sheffield Children’s


Maxine’s Story

A young brother and sister play while sat on a sofa on holiday.Maxine’s memories of Sheffield Children’s began in 1967 – as a patient herself when she was brought to the hospital as a small baby – and continued until 2012 as a mother of two. She kindly shared the stories of her daughter, Olivia, and son, Lex.

Maxine’s memories: as a patient and mother


Sarah’s Story

A woman is standing in a hospital corridor holding a white frame which says 'NHS 75' on it.When she was younger Sarah never thought that she’d work for the NHS, but 30 years later she can’t imagine doing anything else! As we mark the 75th anniversary of the NHS, Sarah’s more committed than ever to Sheffield Children’s and the NHS as a whole, which she thinks we are “incredibly lucky to have.”

Sarah’s life-long career: celebrating 30 years in the NHS


Carmel’s Story

Left: A retired woman is smiling at the camera wearing glasses. Right: The same woman as a young girl.62 years ago, Carmel Proctor was born at home in a little corner of Doncaster. But instead of it being a happy moment, her parents were told that she may not survive. Fortunately she received pioneering care at Sheffield Children’s.

Carmel’s story: a lifetime with the NHS


Jessica’s Story

Right: A woman smiles at the camera in a red top with a lanyard - she's standing in front of a colourful background. Left: a circular picture of the same woman as a young girl.Jessica was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at the age of 12, a chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) where abnormal reactions of the immune system cause inflammation and ulcers on the inner lining of the large intestine. Inspired by the care she received at such a busy time of her life while starting secondary school, Jessica started working for the Trust in 2009.

Jessica’s story: from patient to the Clinical Genetics Team

Bev’s Story

A woman in glasses smiles at the camera wearing theatre scrubs and a hairnet.Can you remember the last time you listened to Dancing Queen or any other track of Abba’s? For our scrub nurse Bev it was in theatre recently during surgery after a patient requested Abba tunes to help bring some comfort to them during their procedure.

Bev’s story: 40+ years in Theatres


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