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Mini-Museums created for hospital patients

mini museum on ward 1 in the hospital, blue colour splash with orange
10 February 2022

Young patients at Sheffield Children’s will now be able to enjoy a fascinating experience on three hospital wards thanks to a series of new brown wooden cooker with metal pots

Artfelt has worked with Sheffield Museums to bring elements of their collection to Sheffield Children’s, creating the hospital’s very own mini-museum displays.

Working with facilitator Carmen Kalnars from Sheffield Museums, patients on Wards 1, 2 and 3 at Sheffield Children’s Hospital looked at vintage toys from the museum and invented stories on how they might interact.

Alongside creative agency, Peter and Paul, these stories were turned into special worlds within glass display cabinets at the entrances to the wards.

The beautiful artwork allows visitors to peer into the scenes and see the objects children have selected, turning patients into curators of these unique exhibitions.

Cat Powell, Head of Artfelt explained: The displays bring the museums to families when they’re not able to visit and help make connections that inspires museum visits in the future. It’s brilliant to bring some of the city’s collection into the hospital setting to offer a different experience during their stay.

“I’ve loved seeing the stories the children have come up with and it’s so special to have these pieces loaned from the museum. Access to arts and heritage is proven to improve both physical and mental health so we’re excited to keep working with Sheffield Museums on more exhibitions in future.”

Sarah Lynch, who works as a Play Leader on one of the wards to benefit at Sheffield Children’s, added: “The mini-museums have brightened up the entrance to the ward and are viewed by patients, parents and staff continually throughout the day.

“I was impressed by the quotes and stories that the children wrote as part of the displays, which are testament to their creativity and imagination. A lot of patients on the ward are in hospital for long spells so the continuity of learning opportunities, as well as chances to take part in arts and crafts, are paramount for their wellbeing and their recovery.

“Over the many years that I have worked at Sheffield Children’s, I have worked closely on numerous occasions with Artfelt and it has been lovely to see their joint work with Sheffield Museums. On behalf of everyone on my ward, I would like to say thank you for creating these mini-museums for us.”blue truck with yellow digger and yellow lorry

Clara Morgan, Curator of Social History at Sheffield Museums said: “Much of Sheffield’s museum collection has been donated by people of Sheffield, so for us it’s important to find new ways to continue to share and celebrate those collections with the city’s communities. It’s been fantastic to work with Artfelt on the displays at Sheffield Children’s and see the amazing responses the children have created as part of them.”

Find out more about Artfelt’s work at Sheffield Children’s, click here.

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