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Emily helps Sheffield Children’s in quest to fight chronic pain

17 August 2016

A patient at Sheffield Children’s Hospital who suffers with a number of conditions which cause her to be in chronic pain has been able to complete her GCSEs and even attend prom. These two achievements would have been unimaginable before she became involved in a research study which could benefit children across the world.

16 year old Emily Gay was coming to the end of a pioneering leg lengthening treatment at Sheffield Children’s when she got involved with a trial to test a new painkiller for children. The trial, being led at international level by the Children’s Clinical Research Facility at Sheffield Children’s Hospital involves seeing how a painkiller currently used for adults can be used in smaller doses for children.

Dr Ayman Eissa, leading the study says “We’re assessing a relatively new painkiller in its use for children. The group of children and young people we’re working with suffer with chronic pain conditions. We’re desperate to find a painkiller which can help them get them back to their normal life. Finding something that does this with minimal side effects is an extremely challenging task, but the involvement of patients like Emily is incredibly helpful.”

Taking part in research can sound daunting to some young people, but Emily found that the care of Research Nurse Janine Reynolds made it a breeze.

Emily said, “For the past year, I have been under the care and supervision of the best nurse to ever take care of me. I want to thank her for all the hours she has put in with the crazy amount of paperwork, and for the bond that has bloomed between myself, Janine and my mum.

“The trial officially ended today. I’m still on the medication though and it’s made a huge difference to my quality of life.”

Find out more about research at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

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