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Congratulations to our second Daisy Award winner

Carly collects DAISY award
26 March 2021
Our latest DAISY – Diseases Attacking the Immune System – award winner was nominated for her “fast actions and calm approach that is just out of this world.”
Carly is a Haematology Specialist Nurse on Ward 6 and was nominated by a patient’s parent for her incredible dedication and commitment. She is described as an ‘amazing soul’ that stays beyond her shifts to continue to look after her patients and make sure they’re settled and happy. “She always takes the time to find out the likes and dislikes of her patients which is amazing, as not all kids are the same.”
Carly said: “I was shocked to find out that I had won the DAISY award and it means so much because of what it celebrates. I could not be the nurse I am without the dream team I work with and the support from them. I would like to say a big thank you to the family who nominated me and all the kind words they have said. I am also so grateful for all the kindness everyone has given me since receiving the award, it means so much doing the job I love.”
Carly has worked as a staff nurse on our Ward 6 Haematology Oncology Ward for 12 years and last year moved to a new role as Haematology Specialist Nurse.
The DAISY Award is your opportunity to say thank you to a nurse at Sheffield Children’s for delivering outstanding care to you or your loved ones.
As part of the award, Carly received a stone hand-carved sculpture called ‘The Healer’s Touch’ from Zimbabwe.
Would you like to nominate someone to be the next winner? The DAISY award is an ongoing award process, so if you have a nurse in mind that you would like to win the next award, please take five minutes to nominate them on the DAISY award webpage.
Thank you to everyone who has already made a nomination, and keep an eye out because we’ll be sharing which nurses were DAISY award runners up soon!

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