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Keeping safe at Sheffield Children’s – September 2022

staff member with patient
01 September 2022

If you’re coming to Sheffield Children’s for an outpatient appointment at any of our sites, staying as an inpatient or visiting the Emergency Department or as a visitor to these areas, we are working hard to make sure everyone is safe and looked after.

Update on 1 September 2022

Face coverings

Face coverings are no longer required by patients and families (1 September 2022).

Staff will continue to wear face masks with patients in some areas.

We appreciate your kindness to our colleagues at this time.

Parents or carers accompanying a patient

  • Two parents or carers can accompany a patient at Sheffield Children’s. This applies to the whole of Sheffield Children’s –  outpatients and inpatients.
    We kindly ask families to not bring any additional family members or carers to the Trust. We understand that some families may have to bring siblings with them to an appointment, but please avoid this where possible.
    Only one parent or carer can stay with a patient overnight.
    We understand that there may be certain situations where this would need to be discussed when on the ward.

Testing before surgery / pre-operative testing

  • Following renewed guidance from The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) most patients will not have a pre-operative swab for COVID or other viruses. The only patients who will require a pre-operative swab for COVID will be those who have COVID symptoms and who will be admitted post-operatively to the critical care unit, neonatal surgical unit or ward 6.
  • If you have any questions please speak to the ward or department manager.

Thank you for kindness and understanding to our staff at this time.

Frequently asked questions


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