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Can you help the Digital Team at Sheffield Children’s?  

Child in Virtual Reality headset playing games whilst cuddling a blue teddy.
03 May 2023

We want to hear from children and young people – and their families and carers – about all your experiences using digital and IT services at Sheffield Children’s.

The word digital can mean so many things to so many different people.  But we really want to know what it means to you.

We’d like you to tell us how you think we can improve our digital services over the next five years as we develop a refreshed Digital Strategy. This could be anything from the way you receive your appointment information through to how you access your own health records. Or it could be about digital entertainment systems while you or a loved one are being treated here.

Maybe your child has been under our care for many years and you – and they – are preparing to start using adult services. How do you think digital services can support a smooth transition?

Or would you like to see us do even more with research and innovation using artificial intelligence and virtual reality?

If you’re interested in telling us what you think please complete our anonymous survey by clicking on this link .

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