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Sheffield Children’s mourns loss of Queen Elizabeth II

Sheffield Children’s mourns loss of Queen Elizabeth II

08 September 2022

Sheffield Children’s joins the nation in mourning the loss of Her Majesty The Queen and we extend our deepest sympathies to the Royal Family at this time. We will be flying our flags at half mast in her honour....

Sheffield Children’s begins search for new governors

Sheffield Children’s begins search for new governors

12 May 2022

Sheffield Children’s has opened nominations for new governors to represent the public. Those elected will influence how the Trust makes plans to improve and develop services. This year, colleagues from non-clinical and other clinical healthcare professions can nominate themselves...

Launching our Sustainable Travel Plan

Launching our Sustainable Travel Plan

12 May 2022

We are delighted to announce the launch of our Sustainable Travel Plan for 2022-2025. This plan details all the sustainable travel focused work Sheffield Children’s will be doing over the next few years, while on the road to reach...

Ruthie’s story: My experience of video appointments

Ruthie’s story: My experience of video appointments

12 May 2022

As part of our new Sustainable Travel Plan for 2022-2025, we are encouraging patients and families to choose a video option where appropriate and possible for your appointments. Video appointments connect you with your health professional using a platform...

CQC visit recognises Sheffield Children’s progress

CQC visit recognises Sheffield Children’s progress

10 November 2021

We welcomed the CQC’s visit and their feedback on our services at this particularly challenging time for children’s mental health. We were pleased they found that colleagues were well trained, lodges were clean and COVID-safe and that patient risks...

Celebrating our Sheffield Children’s Stars 2021!

Celebrating our Sheffield Children’s Stars 2021!

07 October 2021

The Sheffield Children’s Star Awards event took place this evening (7 October 2021) celebrating colleagues across the Trust for their outstanding work and dedication. A respiratory consultant at Sheffield Children’s who goes “goes over and above” and has been...

Our Youth Forum celebrates 5th birthday!

Our Youth Forum celebrates 5th birthday!

20 September 2021

Our amazing Youth Forum is five years old! The Sheffield Children’s Youth Forum is for young people aged between 12 and 19. The aim is to help to shape health services for children and young people in Sheffield and...

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