Who is this advice for? What does this add to the government guidance? Does my child need additional provisions to protect them on return to school/nursery? What hand hygiene does my child need to follow? How should my child...
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Who is this advice for? What does this add to the government guidance? Does my child need additional provisions to protect them on return to school/nursery? What hand hygiene does my child need to follow? How should my child...
Thank you to everyone who has made and sent in a face covering so far. We still need face coverings to give to parents, children and young people while they are with us. If you are visiting Sheffield Children’s,...
Sheffield Children’s has opened nominations for new governors to represent the public and influence how the Trust makes plans to improve and develop services. Members of the public, aged 16 and above, from Sheffield, South Yorkshire and the rest...
The waiting area in Sheffield Children’s Hospital Emergency Department has been upgraded thanks to Sheffield-based building company Henry Boot Construction, which donated both labour and materials to the project. New flooring and wall panels have been added to freshen up the space and to help...
To New Zealand and back, training at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance and travelling to Iraq with the British Army – the 0-19 Service team have all taken different routes before arriving at Sheffield Children’s. 2020 is the...
The communications team at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust have won a national award for the Take My Place campaign. The campaign, seen by more than 100,000 people across the region, featured a colourful array of paper planes to...
Families are being asked to avoid A&E unless it is a real emergency, following Sheffield Children’s busiest ever day. The Sheffield Children’s Emergency Dept saw 263 children yesterday (Monday), a record number of patients. This follows a very busy...
Experienced children’s nurse and Director of Nursing at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Sally Shearer has been invited to join Sheffield Hallam University as a Visiting Professor. Sally has worked in the NHS for 39 years. She previously managed...
Members of Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust are invited to attend the Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting which will take place Tuesday 17 September. The meeting provides an opportunity to hear about the work and achievements of Sheffield Children’s in...
The Duke of Sussex officially opened the multi-award winning wing at Sheffield Children’s Hospital today (Thursday 25 July). During the visit His Royal Highness spent time meeting patients, parents and staff. The Duke visited one of the new wards, a play room in the hospital’s striking play...
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded the Care Quality Commission (CQC) ‘Good’ rating once again after a series of visits across the Trust. The inspectors found areas of outstanding practice and praised the compassion and kindness of...
A professor from Sheffield Children’s Hospital is being awarded an MBE, having helped save lives across the UK and beyond through the newborn screening. Professor James (Jim) Bonham was a key figure in the introduction of new blood spot...
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