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If you’re involved with research in any capacity, we can help you throughout the process. All of our training sessions can be booked though our Book a Librarian form.
We offer assistance with searching the literature, where we will refine your search strategy and collaboratively search relevant databases to find evidence on your topic.
Once you’ve done your search, we can help you access the articles that you need for your research.
An OpenAthens account will give you access to any journals that we subscribe to.
LibKey Nomad
Libkey Nomad is a browser extension which gives you one-click access to PDFs of articles we subscribe to or are open access.
If you are using a Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust computer, it is already on Chrome and Edge browsers. You can download it here if you’re using a personal computer.
Libkey Nomad will show you an Article Link or Download PDF button if it’s an article you can immediately access – click this to be taken directly to the PDF. You must be signed in to OpenAthens to use this.
Document Supply
If you can’t immediately access an article you would like to read, we may be able to get hold of it through our document supply service. Please email the library with the following information:
We offer individual or group training on critical appraisal, designed to give you the skills to critically evaluate research papers and interpret their findings.
CASP checklists are a useful tool to help you assess findings in a systematic way.
We recommend using Zotero as a free reference management software. You can book a reference management training session with a librarian. We can also support you to use Mendeley Desktop.
There is one computer in the library with SPSS access. We cannot provide any SPSS training, but we have several SPSS books available for reference. The SPSS computer is available for library members to book via the library catalogue or by calling the library.
How to Write and Publish a Paper – guide from BMJ Best Practice.
Planning and structuring articles for publication in a nursing journal – guide from RCNi
CONSORT Statement – evidence-based, minimum set of recommendations for reporting randomized trials.
CASP Checklists – Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklists provide a structure for evaluating research.
NIHR – Clinical Trials Toolkit – provides practical advice to researchers in designing and conducting publicly funded clinical trials in the UK.
PRISMA – Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses – an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
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