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Journal Club is open to all health professionals and is a fun, informal way of learning to criticise papers and gather evidence to change practice.

At each meeting a speaker presents a critical appraisal of a research paper using the CASP appraisal tool.

Group members then have an informal discussion to determine whether current practice should be altered in light of the presenter’s findings

Help with presenting is available from the library or download the Journal Club Handbook for further guidance.

Journal Club schedule

Meetings take place virtually and/or in the Education and Skills Centre, F Floor, Stephenson Wing twice a month on Tuesdays 1.15-2pm and Fridays 1-2pm.

A full list of dates and further information is available in the Journal Club Handbook

Journal Club presentations

View a complete list of presentations from February 2012 to now. Copies of presentations are available on request from the library.

Introduction to Critical Appraisal course

This virtual course is available for groups and individuals of Trust staff and covers what you need to know to effectively appraise your article for Journal Club:

  • the principles of critical appraisal and why you should do it
  • how to appraise published research and judge its reliability
  • how to assess the relevance of published research to your own work

Places can be booked through Book a Librarian.

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