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Our partners

Group of medical professionals stood in front of small plane

We are grateful to all of our partners that work alongside us to complete our important work.

For road transfers we have we have a dedicated team of drivers and ambulances on site from Yorkshire Ambulance Service – ready to mobilise our specialist teams and equipment as soon as required.

Our aeromedical transfers rely upon the services provided by various aeromedical partners.

  • The Children’s Air Ambulance is a charity supporting Neonatal and Paediatric helicopter transfers nationally.
  • Lia’s Wings raises funds to use aeromedical services for paediatric and neonatal transfers.
  • Yorkshire Air Ambulance may be required to move our specialist teams and equipment to the sickest patients that are furthest away.
  • Search and Rescue aircraft are sometimes utilised for emergency transfers.
  • IAS medical provides fixed wing transport solutions for UK mainland and international transfers

Yorkshire Air Ambulance logoChildren's Air Ambulance logo - keeping hope aliveLia's Wings hospital air transfers for childrenIAS Medical Worldwide Ambulance Services logo NHS Yorkshire Ambulance Service Trust logo 

We operate under CAMTS-Global accreditation when transferring patients with Yorkshire Ambulance Service, The Children’s Air Ambulance and IAS Medical.

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