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Trust membership


Sign up for Trust membership


We currently have around 11,300 members including most of our staff and people from Sheffield, South Yorkshire and other areas of the UK.

A member is someone who cares about the Trust and hospital and who wants to stay in touch with plans and changes.

If you live in the area, work for the Trust, or if you or your child has been a patient here, you can become a member of Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Membership gives you the chance to have a say on how the Trust provides services both for the local and the wider community of children and young people.

Members can also vote in the Governor Elections and stand to become a Governor themselves.

Fill in this short form to become a member of Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Annual Members’ Meeting

The Annual Members’ Meeting takes place every September. It’s a great opportunity to find out about what has been happening at the Trust during the past year and hear about our plans for the future.

This year’s meeting will take place virtually on Microsoft Teams on Monday 30 September 2024 at 4pm.

You can register to join the meeting below and you will be sent a link for the event a few days before it takes place.

Annual Members' Meeting

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