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The Children’s Hospital Charity

artfelt workshop

The Children’s Hospital Charity change children’s lives every day by supporting pioneering ground-breaking medical treatment and creating a comfortable and engaging environment at Sheffield Children’s. Donations, fundraising, sponsorship and everything in between help create a healthier future for children and young people who visit Sheffield Children’s, funding projects that are over and above the standard NHS provision.

The Charity’s Goals

From its foundation, Sheffield Children’s has always depended on charitable support, The Children’s Hospital Charity helps to ensure the ongoing needs of the hospital continue to be met funding projects where it is needed most above and beyond NHS provision. The charity fund 4 key areas:

children's hospital charity's 4 key areas

The Children’s Hospital Charity also provide an award winning arts programme, Artfelt. Artfelt transforms the hospital’s walls and spaces with bright art, helping children recover in an environment tailored to them. The programme also puts on workshops for youngsters to provide distraction during anxious moments – such as before an operation, and to break up long stays on the wards.

Get Involved!

Every single gift is appreciated because we know the difference your donations can make, we work hard to ensure that not a penny supports children and young people. There are many ways you can support Sheffield Children’s:

Donate: Giving a gift of £3 a month really does make a huge difference. By setting up your regular donation, you will change the lives of thousands of patients and their families who visit Sheffield Children’s

Fundraise: There are lots of great ways to fundraise from your home, in work, with a group or with your friends and family. From a sponsored step challenge, tuck shop to a bake sale and everything in between every pound raised makes a difference.

Join one of our events: We’ve got something for everyone on our events calendar, now featuring virtual events too, so you can join in from anywhere!

Volunteer for us: We couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers! Our volunteers are part of the charity team. If you’d be interested in volunteering for us please get in touch.

Leave a legacy: Give a gift in your Will or create a Will with our discount Will writing scheme.

For more information on how to support visit the charity website at You can join the charity’s mailing list on the website or get in touch by emailing or You can also phone for support on: 0114 321 2470.

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