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Caring Together – our strategy toward 2025


Caring Together

Caring Together is the strategy that guides in the way we make decisions at Sheffield Children’s, to help us achieve our purpose of: providing a healthier future for children and young people.

You can read our summary document or full strategy below:

Our visionNurse speaking to young child patient

We have a vision for a future where children always receive outstanding care – wherever we see them, whatever we see them for.

Care will be integrated and child-centred. We will work with children and their families to ensure pathways are designed around their needs.

We will take a leading role in improving regional, national and international child health through direct services,
education, research, outreach and more.

We will be an inclusive organisation, valuing diversity and treating everyone with

We will be driven by the needs of children and young people, and our colleagues will finish each day knowing the huge difference they’ve made.


Our aims are ‘what we will achieve’. Here’s what we mean by each aim and what we will do to work towards them.

Outstanding patient care Outstanding patient care

  • We’ll be empowering patients and their families and making sure their voices are heard.
  • We’ll provide an even more personalised care experience for children, provide more
    support for those with complex care needs.
  • We’ll also work to cut out any potential gaps between services, taking a holistic approach to create a
    seamless experience across both physical and mental health services.
  • As well as improving any gaps between our own services, we will also work with providers of adult services to smooth the transition for patients when they move on from Sheffield Children’s.
  • We will develop our offer as a centre of excellence, not only providing the best possible care for our patients and their families, but also providing leadership, sharing best practice, and supporting other professionals and providers.

Brilliant place to work 

Brilliant place to work

  • We will be improving colleague engagement
  • Provide more support for colleagues’ health and wellbeing 
  • Work together to create a more inclusive workplace
  • We’ll do more to make sure the voices of all professions are heard, including strengthening clinical input to our decision making
  • Ensuring an even stronger “speak up” culture
  • Workforce planning and retaining and attracting high calibre staff will also play a vital role in ensuring we have people with the right skills and support to do the best for our patients and their families
  • We will also strengthen our overall approach to talent management, supporting colleagues to reach their potential. 

Leader in children’s health Leader in children's health

  • Continuing working with our partners in Sheffield, in the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System and beyond.
  • Realise potential for greater integration and delivery of patient care in partnership with other Providers, Commissioners and Voluntary Services.
  • Sharing our expertise, research and best practice in our unique position as a provider of acute, community, mental
    health and emergency transport services
  • Develop our research further
  • Continue to embrace technology to support high quality care and also continue our work to create the first ever Centre for Child Health Technology

With this work we know we can not only help children and young people in our region, but across the world.

Our values

We’ve also refreshed our Trust values to inform the way we go about our work each day to work towards our aims.

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