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Working with Families and Service Networks

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Paediatric disability distance learning logo  British Academy of Childhood Disability

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is working in partnership with the British Academy of Childhood Disability (BACD) to offer the Working with Families and Service Networks course.

Audience: specialist nurses, paediatricians and any professionals working with disabled children and young people.

Cost: £450 (£400 for BACD members)

Course content

This course has been developed by paediatric disability experts at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively with children, young people, parents and families
  • Communicate with other practitioners within health and across agencies
  • Evaluate local services from the child or young person and parent’s point of view
  • Improve access to information for children, young people, parent carers and families
  • Critically evaluate local health services
  • Understand the roles of statutory and other services in relation to disability

Application information

You can apply and start the course any time throughout the year.

The course is self-paced. As a guide, a minimum of four hours study time per week should help you to complete the course in approximately four months. We are flexible with the timeframe as there is no deadline for completion.

Cost: £450 (£400 for BACD members)

Registrations are accepted all year round.

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